
Located in Driscoll Commons Suite 30, the 平等机会办公室 & 第九条 (EOIX) is a source of trustworthy support for the entire yzcca88游戏登录网址 (DU) community. 我们的团队成员为获得授权的DU而奋斗, 帮助您报告事件, 调查索赔并查找信息, resources 和 training needed to foster an environment of equal opportunity 和 equity for students, 教职员工.



与大学伙伴合作, EOIX fosters an environment of equal opportunity 和 equity for students, 教师, 和 staff in all aspects of educational programming 和 employment. We also investigate claims of discrimination based on Race, Color, 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄, 宗教, 信条, 残疾, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 遗传信息, 资深地位, 军事征用. We facilitate the University's compliance with applicable laws including Title VI, 第七条, 第九条, 反歧视行动, 同工同酬, 年龄 Discrimination in Employment; 艾达 和 Section 504, VEVRAA, USERRA, 吉娜, 以及其他适用的联邦法律, 状态, 以及当地的非歧视法律.


  • Marti McCaleb - Associate Vice Chancellor for 平等的机会 & 第九条 / 第九条协调员

    Marti McCaleb加入了平等机会办公室 & 将于2024年1月生效.  Marti brings significant equal opportunity 和 第九条 experience with her to DU, 不仅来自斯坦福大学, where she served as the 第九条副协调员 和 Director of 性ual Harassment 和 Assault Response 和 Education, 也来自埃默里大学, where Marti served as 第九条 Coordinator for 教师/工作人员, 培训专员, 和 Middlebury College where she served as Civil Rights 和 第九条 Coordinator. 除了她在高等教育方面的经验, Marti practiced employment discrimination 和 civil rights law for over a decade in Washington, 俄勒冈州, 和加州.

  • 莫莉妓女 - 第九条副协调员


    莫莉妓女 rejoined the office, on May 1, 2020 as the 第九条副协调员. Molly served as the Interim 第九条 coordinator at DU from April 2023 to January 2023 和 August 2018 to February 2019 和 was a member of the original 第九条 working group that helped shape the University's vision 和 strategy for 第九条 compliance, including informing the broader community about the proposed 第九条 regulations. 她自2001年以来一直在这所大学工作, working in both academic 和 student affairs at the undergraduate 和 graduate levels. Molly earned her bachelor's degree from University of Colorado, Boulder 和 her master's degree from the University of Mississippi.

  • Britt Swett - Interim Deputy 平等的机会 Coordinator

    Britt Swett is serving in an interim role at the yzcca88游戏登录网址.

  • 麦金利·墨菲-行政助理

    McKinley joined DU as the administrative assistant in October 2023.

  • Stacy Galbo -平等机会 & 第九章调查员

    史黛西于2024年2月作为平等机会加入杜 & 第九章调查员. 在加入yzcca88游戏登录网址之前, 史黛西是负责学生行为的副院长, 第九条副协调员, 阿肯色理工大学研究员. Stacy earned her bachelor’s degree from John Brown University 和 her master's degree from Arkansas Tech University.

  • Marissa Shevins -平等机会 & 第九章调查员

    玛丽莎于2022年6月以“机会均等”的身份加入杜克大学 & 第九章调查员. 在加入yzcca88游戏登录网址之前, Marissa worked as a housing attorney with Colorado Legal Services where she represented tenants at risk of eviction in multiple counties in Colorado. Marissa earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado at Denver, 和 her Juris Doctor from Tulane University School of Law in 2020. 

  • 王林芝-平等机会署临时主任 & 第九条调查

    Lin-Chi Wang is serving in an interim role at the yzcca88游戏登录网址.

  • Joshua或Josh Kaufman, 艾达协调员

    约书亚加入了平等机会办公室 & Title XI after serving as the director of DU’s 残疾 Services Program (DSP) for five years. He came to DU from the 办公室 Academic 可访问性 at the University of North Carolina Asheville, 他是主管和艾达协调员吗. 作为DSP总监, Joshua oversaw the expansion of DU students served by around seventy-five percent. 在北卡罗来纳州, he served in multiple roles that fostered 和 created a more inclusive 和 equitable experience for members of the campus 和 wider community. Some of his work included serving as president of the North Carolina Association on Higher Education 和 残疾, was a member of the Statewide Independent Living Council 和 chair of the Policy Committee, lead the university in the creation of their first campus wide accessibility committee, 和 partnered with the Humanities Program to embed the disability identity into their curriculum. Joshua has a BA in Psychology from Western State College in Gunnison, CO 和 a MS in Counseling 和 Human Development from Radford University in Radford, VA. 在他空闲的时候, Joshua is also an avid outdoors person who enjoys kayaking, 山地自行车, 冒险骑摩托车, 花时间陪他的伴侣和宠物.


Investigator, 第九条 Coordinator, Hearing Officer 和 Appeals Officer Training

Employees at the University who serve as 第九条 Coordinators, 调查人员, 听到警察, or Appeals Officers have completed one or more of the following trainings in accordance with the requirements set forth by the 教育部:

